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Buried Facility Line Location
Depth of Cover Survey
2D, 3D and 4D Survey and Mapping

It is always a requirement to locate underground facilities before starting a project that involves ground disturbance. 
Our Line Locators are trained to meet or exceed industry standards and have many years of experience. Using the latest technology, equipment and software they can assure accurate location of buried facilities, infrastructure and hazards in the area.
At Key Point Resources Ltd., we take care to provide our customers with high quality services personalized for their unique projects, whether it be Seismic, Oil & Gas Construction, Pipeline Maintenance or Potash mining.

We provide a variety of services including:
Maintaining pipeline often involves depth of cover studies that experienced and trained surveyors can provide using GPS collector units along with the most modern locating equipment. Data is processed and verified and stored in a database for retrieval at any time. Data is referenced to national and local survey monuments. Using the most effective software and equipment make this process streamlined, accurate and effective.

Seismic 2D, 3D and 4D Survey is our specialty. Experienced and trained surveyors will use the latest in Leica GNSS  technology to ensure the utmost accurate shotpoint and receiver point location. Dedicated GIS technicians will map and process the information coming from the field to provide you with an accurate digital map. Dependent on the size and scope of the project an onsite mapper is available to work one-on-one with your crew in the field. We can supply survey maps, daily/weekly production maps, drill maps, and hazard maps all in either digital or paper form.

If you have any questions regarding our services please contact us. We will be happy to discuss ways that we can help make your project a success.
Advance Field Supervision
Field supervisors have extensive operations experience and are able to help your project stay within budget and time restraints. They are also able to  liaison with members of the community, facilitate one-calls and other communicate with other stakeholders.

Advance field supervisors are also able to scout your project out for you ahead of time. Finding access routes, possible staging sites and completing advanced hazard assessments thereby increasing the safety of your program and further mitigating risk.
3D Facility Scanning
In most cases, the key to a successful project is effective pre-planning. We are able to create a map of your project before it starts. We utilize satellite imagery, aerial photos, Li DAR (if available), utility maps and other data available to us to create a map that you can use to effectively plan your project and mitigate any safety and/or environmental concerns.
Pre-Project / Scouting Maps
This is a technique that combines survey, digital laser scanning and imaging to create an accurate image to show the exact placement of your facilities.